
Inside the Practice

This exercise emphasizes the technique of “pressure, cover and balance” when defending.

Coaching Pointers:
Divide your entire team into 4 groups of players. Place a group at each cone. Opposite each cone place a mannequin 15 yards away. Place a ball at the foot of each mannequin. The practice begins with first player in each group closing down the mannequin (as if it is an attacker). Then the next 4 players in line repeat. This sequence is continued as the coach makes vital coaching points.

The coach should emphasize the following coaching points:
• Players should adjust their defensive positioning quickly as the ball is exchanged between the attackers.
• Players should adjust their position as the ball is traveling and be in a good balanced position when the attacker has the ball at their feet.
• Communication is vital, especially from the covering defender as they can see the entire situation.
• Bend the knees and keep the body low. (don't stand tall, stand small). This position enables the legs to be "spring loaded" to change direction quickly.
• Leg position should be with one leg behind the other.
• Pivot using the back foot when changing direction from side to side.
• Keep the upper torso forward, this is crucial for changing direction from a backwards to forwards position quickly.

Field Organization

  • Practice Area: 30 x 40 Yards
  • Equipment: 4 Mannequins, Balls, Cones, Pinnies.
  • Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced.
  • Clipboard: Print for Practice